I'm looking for a ___ factory.
If you are looking for a specific type of factory we suggest you first create a Project here: http://makersrow.com/projects. We would love to include your project in the next digest!
Please make sure your project has the following information:
- A Reference Photo (This can be a sketch or a similar product)
- Detailed information about the product in the description
- Which step of the Manufacturing process you need help with
Email us with your project link when you have added the above information.
You can use this feature of the site even as a free user and factories will be able to message free users regarding projects. Additionally, you will be able to see how the site is laid out and the different features available, including the ability to make a project with our project planning software. You will be able to conduct filtered searches and it will give you the number of results your query would yield. However, you have to upgrade to actually see the profiles and names on search results and to message factories.